Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Kyle laughing

I'm back

I think you all know that kyle had some problems with his lungs. I am not going very much in to detail. He is much better now. I will update you later. Here are some pictures of yesterday.

I love him with all my heart.

Wednesday 29 June 2011


I'm sooo sooo sooo sorry I didn't post for a long time. But Kyle is taking really much time but I'm going to make some time to keep you updated. Kyle is doing very well. He's growing bigger and bigger every second now..hehe. This was just a short update but I promise I'm going to blog more.

Much Love, Jazz and Kyle

Thursday 16 June 2011


A lot of you keep asking for pictures. Like? Is my information not enough. It's really annoying. So, I decided not to post pictures in a while. Just because It feels like you only want pictures of kyle. I love to post pictures of him. But it's really creepy if you keep asking for pictures in my opinion. Sorry for all of those who love pictures but don't ask for them...Maybe I'll post some later. But for now I'm not going to post any pictures in a while. And don't ask for them. I'm tired of those girls who keep asking pictures. But the funniest thing is that they don't even follow my blog. Anyay I just wanted to let you guys know.

Love, Jazz and Kyle.

Monday 13 June 2011

Happy 1 month to Kyle!

It's so hard to believe that a month has past since my beautiful baby boy was born. Some days it really seems like yesterday...others it seems like a month :) I kid, I kid. Anyway people are right though, these babies grow up So fast! In the last month, we've all learned a lot - about what all of Kyle's cries mean, about the trails and tribulations of changing his diaper, how to survive without a full night's sleep, how to run errands on a baby's name a few: Kyle has done a lot in his one month of life. Between meeting lots of family and friends, he's also made some walks to the park. My sisters love to play with him. I love groceryshopping with my little man, and I think he loves them too. I orderd the onesie decals from a website called Picky Sticky and I highly recommend them for a cute way to document your baby's monthly birthdays! These would also make a great gift for someone who's expecting a baby! Here is the link to the site. Just click HERE.

Much Love, Jazz and Kyle.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Fake mothers & update

There are a lot of them. I'm not going to call any names. Just because I think they know who I mean. First of, to be a mother is not easy. Especially when you are a teenmom. You have to deal with school and your child. I don't know why girls want to be a teenmom so bad? It isn't perfect. Neither my life is perfect. I'm not a rich girl or something. Because most of all the fakes are saying that they live in a villa and stuff, and they are married when they are 15? Like, are you kidding me? It's against the law to marry that young, so stop saying you are! Now the thing of stealing pictures from others. That person is sick who does that. Likee?? Going to google and type ''baby'' doesn't make you a mother or something. Nobody is going to believe you if you have a hundered of stories that are all diffrent. My point is that my life isn't perfect. And I'm happy with the love my family are giving me. They support me and I support them.

Anyway, Kyle is doing very well. He's been very active yesterday so this was the first night he slept seven hours. (10pm - 5am) He was very hungry when he woke up. hehe.. Oh I forgot to say. On the 6th of june Kyle had a docters appointment. He weighed in at 7lbs 9oz. So, he's getting bigger and bigger. hehe.. My mom is planning a vacation for my sisters, herself, Kyle and for me. So it's going to be a family vacation. We still don't know where we want to go, so my mom is looking for some good hotels and stuff. I'm really exited about that. Because it's going to be Kyle's real trip. My sisters love to play with him. But my sister want her own baby. When she told me I was shocked, she's only 13 and I don't want her to be in the same situation as me. I'm very happy she said it was a joke. I trust her and I think she won't do anything stupid. Anyways this is going to be a long post. I'm glad I'm back to bogging because this is like a dairy for me.

Much Love, Jazz and Kyle. 

Friday 10 June 2011

The past month

As you probably have seen on my profile I broke up with Jason. It's a really long story. And if I would write it down here I would be typing all day long. So I'm not going to do that. To make a long story short. I live now with my mom and 2 sisters. I can't live on my own because it's against the law. stupid law. My mom and sisters are helping me with Kyle when they have time, and I could not be more thankfull to them. I think it's better for Kyle that we split up. I want him to still see Kyle, but he doesn't. He is saying that he wants to forget everything and to move on with his life and dating new girls. First I was really mad becasue it's his child. But now I'm kinda relieved. All the drama is over, all the fighting is over. I'm doing good with school. Officially my summerbreak started at the 9th of june. So, yesterday. After my summerbreak I'm going back to school and I'm going to send little Kyle to daycare, so my mom don't have to take care of Kyle while I'm at school. Kyle has grown quite big. He went from this tiny little person to this biggy baby. hehe..he's still small. He loves to be outside with me and my sisters and just walking in the park. The weather has been amazing the last couple of weeks. The sun has been shining a lot. Kyle loves to lie in the shadow in our backyard. 

Much Love, Jazz and baby Kyle. 

My new blog

I know I removed my old blog. Just because there were some girls reading my blog which I don't want them to read. lol, is that good english? Anyway I'm going to post a new update soon.